In the heart of Ukraine, a world of vibrant colors and mythical creatures once flourished on canvas. The visionary artist Maria Prymachenko brought these fantastical beings to life, but when war cast a shadow over Ukraine, it threatened to extinguish the flame of her artistic legacy. Now, it's time to unleash these Ukrainian beasts once again, not just as symbols of hope, but as catalysts for rebuilding.
About Maria Prymachenko
Maria Prymachenko was a Ukrainian folk artist renowned for her vibrant and imaginative paintings. Rooted in the rich tapestry of Ukrainian folklore, her works burst with fantastical creatures, lush landscapes, and symbolic narratives. A self-taught artist, Prymachenko's unique style, often categorized as naive art, captivated audiences worldwide. Her paintings were often paired with cute phrases and sayings, that brightly enhance her extraordinary style.
Tragically, a significant portion of Prymachenko's artistic legacy was lost when the Ivankiv Historical and Local History Museum was destroyed by Russian forces during the 2022 invasion of Ukraine. This museum housed a collection of 25 of her invaluable paintings, a devastating blow to Ukrainian cultural heritage.
Rebuilding the Legacy: Prymachenko Art Residence Fundraising
But, everything lost is meant to be found once again! So will Maria Prymachenko's legacy. UKRAINIAN BEASTS Unleashed is a multifaceted project that works to preserve Ukrainian heritage. Together with the Maria Prymachenko Family Foundation and Ohmatdyt Children's Hospital, the project raises funds for the construction of a new art residence/museum of Maria Prymachenko. This time in the artist's native village Bolotna in the Kyiv region. If you are interested, you can learn more about the project on the official fundraising page.
How Can We Support Prymachenko Art Residence Fundraising?
Anyone who loves art can join their forces to support the project. To join – buy creative merch featuring Maria's beasts. 80% of the profit will be raised to build an art center, while the other 20% will be reinvested in product reproduction. Another creative way to join and raise awareness – is to unleash the beast! Print your very own winged tapir with a QR code, place it on the wall in your city, and spread the word about the campaign. Feel welcome to join us in bringing Maria Prymachenko's art back to life and supporting the resilient spirit of Ukraine.